Monday, 7 May 2012

No guests at these weddings,

I recently read an article in the New York Times about how certain yuppy couples hold elaborately planned weddings full of the fix ins, current trends, and sparing no expense. They hire amazing wedding photographers, videographers, designers, order intricate cakes, wear the couture dress, arrange for amazing florals, and sometimes fly everything to exotic locations. No expense is spared, no detail overlooked, and nothing missing. Well, almost nothing: the guests. Yes, you read that correctly, they have no guests. I find this appalling. You should as well. The point isn't that they don't invite guests, for that is perfectly acceptable in certain circumstances, such as when couples elope. Most elopements are for financial reasons. Either the couple can't afford to hold a bash, or chooses not to because they don't care for the tradition or wish to keep their money on more apt investments. The problem is that these couples are doing this not out of financial prudence. In fact, they spend serious cash on these engagements. The article claims that they choose to forego guests because guests get in the way of their artistic vision for their wedding. God forbid if the wedding photographer captures of photo of your ceremony with guests in the background or foreground! Many such couples then submit their amazing wedding photography to popular and stylish wedding blogs, hoping that their day is blogged about by the writers. Have you ever heard of something so superficial and vain?

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